Thursday, August 28, 2014

My first post!

So I haven't done a traditional blog in a LONG time! I've used facebook twitter, but I wanted to make an honest to goodness blog, where I could post my reflections of what's going on in my classroom. Also, since I am having my students blog, I thought I should probably have one as well.

A few things about me. I am entering into my 8th year of teaching. I have taught Kindergarten, 2nd grade Language Arts, 3rd grade Math and Science, and 4th grade Math and Science. I am very adventurous when it comes to incorporating technology into my classroom. My school district is one of the largest in the state of Texas, just outside of Houston. The school I teach at is Title 1 with 1,100 students and 78% or so on Free and Reduced Lunch. Incorporating technology into my classroom is huge because it allows my students to explore the world outside of our "walls."

So it's a new beginning. I am starting a new blog, I have a new group of students, our curriculum is all new, and there are new faces at my campus. Change is good. I'm not always the best at accepting it, but when I'm deep in the groove of things, I realize that it is almost always for the best.

Our first week is flying by. Already my students have shown me that they are the brightest and hardest working students a teacher could ask for. We are working on making connections to other educators or students. As I said before, they are working on their new blog, and it's definitely a work in progress. Any advice on how to get them to be better bloggers is welcomed.

If you are reading this, thank you for listening to my rambling and unorganized writing.