Monday, February 9, 2015

Why am I working so hard?

So here I sit at 10:00 at night trying to develop a fun and interesting way for my students to complete a review sheet for their upcoming benchmark. Those who know me, know that I'm not all about the paper and pencil, "sit at your seat and work this problem," style of teacher; I'm more of the "let's see how we can use technology to make this more entertaining" style of teacher. So why am I working so hard? There are plenty of other ways to make this "mandatory" sheet "fun" that don't involve technology. I'm sure there will be other teachers that use the, "finish this problem, and color part of a picture" way of motivating students, and while it's effective, it's just not me. I feel like the students expect the unexpected from me. I am the one who they see pushing the envelope on a daily basis. So why am I working so hard? The short answer is, because my students deserve it.