Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sad Story...

I was all ready to post about how amazing my class did today, and that post will be out most likely tomorrow, when I heard about a teacher in California who took her own life. After reading this story, and listening to comments from my GTAATX cohorts, it got me thinking about what I've seen in my building. I believe that on my campus, there are no loners.

Now there may be more cliques than ever, but I honestly believe that everyone has someone to talk and relate to. Some may not think this is a big deal, or that work is for working, not making friends. I would have to disagree. I think that it is impossible for teachers, whose jobs it is to form relationships with students, to not form relationships with their peers. Does that mean everyone needs to hangout after school, or even eat lunch together? No, but everyone does need someone to listen while they vent.For me not only do I have my wife, but I have my teammates, and my friends on social media to talk to. Note I do not advocate venting on social media.

As teachers we are expected to be "on" all the time. This is hard, because sometimes we don't feel like we can let anyone know what's bothering us. If something is bothering you, please don't keep inside; please find someone to talk to, or write a blog post. Just what ever you do, please don't keep it all inside.