Friday, September 5, 2014

On our way up.

     I feel much better after my last post. And true to form, things started to look up immediately following. No I didn't end up getting a "come and interview anyway" message, but I did get a "thank you for understanding." 

     Yesterday I received an email from one of our Instructional Technology Specialists saying that she wanted to visit my classroom and see how I was using our class blog/twitter/instagram. My immediate reaction was "Come on in!" I am very humble. I think that is part of the reason why I decided to start my own blog. This is a place where I can say what I am doing in my classroom. I can go back and edit my words so that things sound better. In a face to face conversation I hide behind bringing up those who are around me. The fact that someone wanted to come in and observe me is flattering to say the least. (Humble post coming in) I don't think what I am doing is all that spectacular. Now I won't tell you that when I'm trying to promote it. I guess it's that I'm worried someone will see what I'm doing, and knock me down a few notches. I can take criticism, that's not what I'm saying. I just don't want to be called a fraud. Any way, my guest came in and seemed to be pretty happy with everything she saw my students doing. It was definitely a giant leap up from where I was the day before!

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