Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Summer is near! Part 2 (Profession)

As I said before, now is the time for some deep reflections. Tomorrow is the last day of school for the students, and I've been having them reflect on them as a class. So it seems only fair that I reflect on myself as a teacher.

I feel like I have grown a lot this school year. I went on a few interviews, none of which resulted in me taking a new position, but each gave me the opportunity to learn something. I was fortunate enough to get to sit down with my principal and talk to her about my 2 most recent interviews. She gave me some great advice about ways to phrase answers to where it shows both my classroom and managerial experience. So I have a few things to work on to be prepared for the next opportunity.

I have also taken probably the greatest professional development I could have imagined in the Google Teacher Academy. Those 2 days were the greatest opportunity for me to grow as an educator I could have imagined. It allowed me to expand my PLN to well beyond what I had already started. It also gave me some credibility to being a great teacher. Despite what some may think, being a GCT has nothing with how much technology I know, but with the way I approach and overcome adversity.

This summer I am going to continue to reach out to my PLN and grow as an educator. I will take the time to reflect on what I did in my classroom, and the best practices to use in my classroom next year.

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